Frying (or sautéing) mushrooms is one of the simplest ways to bring out their delicious, earthy flavour. Cooked this way, they’re delicious loaded onto a steak, added to a creamy risotto or tossed into a salad. Here’s how to achieve fantastic sautéed mushrooms every time.

Step 1: Give your mushrooms a wipe clean and dry with a paper towel, then slice ready for the pan. Remember not to slice too thinly, or they’ll reduce in size too much when cooking.
Step 3: Heat some oil or butter in the pan on a medium-high heat. Wait until it sizzles, then add the mushrooms.
Step 3: Let them cook, and resist moving them around for the first 5 minutes.
Step 4: Once you begin to see golden edges and no more liquid, give the mushrooms a quick stir. The mushrooms should begin to turn a beautiful dark reddish-brown with golden spots.
Step 5: Now add your seasoning of choice. Perhaps salt, pepper, garlic, fresh herbs, or even a little more butter. Finally, remove from the pan and serve.